A La Cart
A La Cart By Ralph Maltese I miss walking. I really do. Now in my sedentary lifestyle I often try to recreate my favorite walks. My father liked to go deep in the woods and camp by a lake in the Adirondacks. One such trip was a six hour hike to a lake we...
Senior Reality Olympics 2024
Senior Reality Olympics 2024 By Ralph Maltese It seems only yesterday that I reported on the first Senior Reality Olympics https://maltesefalcon.info/?s=senior. If you are new to these Olympics, click on the link above. As the Baby Boomer generation booms older, we boomers still want to participate in Olympic events, but we want the competitions to reflect real...
Draft Day
Draft Day By Ralph Maltese April brings May flowers, hopefully, and April also brings the NFL draft. Growing up in the fifties and sixties, I do not remember the drafting of professional sports players to be that big a deal. Yes, I played stickball and baseball and football and a whole lot of basketball, but I can’t tell you, offhand, who the New York Giants...
At a Loss By Ralph Maltese I woke up this morning and my neck ached. The pain could have been caused by the position of my head which was at a 45 degree angle to the rest of my torso. Somehow during the night my body, without my conscious consent, contorted itself into that position. A few clicks of my head to the left, a few to the right, and the pain subsided. As per my morning...
Soma By Ralph Maltese One of the courses I taught in high school was Radio and Television, an elective designed for students to understand what goes into creating shows. A unit on media literacy, how to read commercials, for example, was a popular project. We explored tactics advertisers used to sell a variety of wares (celebrity testimonies, join the crowd, statistical...